
When it comes to family aspects, every one has different opinions to offer and different experiences to share right?

This is obviously correct because everyones family functions differently I should know as I come from a large family. Trust me, throughout my childhood the amount of drama I have seen I am surprised we haven’t ended up on the Jeremy Kyle show. 


But the amount of life lessons I have learnt throughout these damn ‘dramas’ in my life, I guess they sort of educated me in general about the quality of life?

The 90s children had an upbringing with no computers and internet it was rare for a family to sort of have an computer within their homes. I feel as though this is what kept families together because there was no distraction of the internet or WiFi related problems. Family members had no choice but to get together and entertain themselves like watching television together, playing games etc. Time changes everything and over the last 10 years the world has evolved so much especially technology, now you don’t need friends or family you can have Siri who talks to you and even does the job for your fingers i.e. sending a text, writing a shopping list… (if you know how to function with an iPhone of course).

It is hard for my family to come together everyday due to life getting in the way such as: school, jobs, travelling and just life in general. My mums sisters all live in different towns and the journey sucks to be honest. This is what makes me value family time, any special occasions we get we try to come together and spend at least one day with each other and catch up. And our meeting up place usually takes place at my nans.

My family, especially amongst my mum and her sisters there was a lot of problems, including their husbands but at end of the day they eventually try to forget the issue and come together…That is one great thing about them but one problem they all share is that they can “forgive but never forget” … trust me … at family gatherings the topic of conversation can sometimes go back to the 1950s and the way these guys talk about it would make you think it happened an hour ago. 

But still guys do not get lost in the world of social media and do not become a person that avoids family gatherings of any sort and rely on Siri to be the only family you have. Whatever family you do have learn to appreciate them and the times you spend together. It really happiness that you cannot put a price on. Yes it won’t be getting you a lamb or a mansion, but it makes your soul happy and that is worth ALOT more!

When all the family is together at my grandmas I can see the happiness on her face as she’s watching her 5 daughters laugh and joke about together…I can tell she’s thanking God and appreciating them moments. Not to sound corny but it genuinely makes me happy to catch her in her moment of happiness because sometimes it is so hard to please my nan!

But thats another topic for another day! 

Lots of Love 


hope you enjoyed it and please do not hesitate to contact me….

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