Anger – “We Define It By The Way We Portray It” – D.E

Anger cannot be defined in the dictionary because it’s an emotion and also, an act that is portrayed differently by everyone. SO, that means we define it by the way we portray our anger. Everyone has that one breaking point where they will see red. 

Definition of the word anger: Strong Emotion

‘Anger’ can be words or an action right?


In my opinion the worst kind of way to show anger is through words…It might not physically hurt you but once the words are uttered out loud, it can’t be taken back or in some cases it can’t be healed.

You’ll always know that it was said.

Never forgotten. . .


Some people don’t seem to have/show anger and others-it takes less than a second to set them off. It’s one of those emotion where you can’t stop yourself sometimes.


I’ve always had a problem with this emotion.

Outside, I’m very calm and collected, approachable person, and I am never angry nor can anyone push me to see red. Yet, when I am home I can easily become angry at anything and at anyone and the person that has always sort of had to deal with this teen drama is my mother. The amount of times I’ve hurt her with words is unbelievable, I am telling you this because I know I am wrong and there are people who can relate with me and know what I am talking about. I’ve made her cry with saying harsh  words and immediately afterwards I’d regret it so much, don’t worry am not a horrible person, just human. Still it does not justify my actions. I have ended up making up with her and making her smile! But it still doesn’t excuse the fact that I made her cry in the first place.


You shouldn’t ever intentionally make someone upset by your words regardless of how you’re feeling, even if the person is doing it to you, learn to ignore and just let it go! If you suppress your anger then you might let it out towards the wrong person and end up doing something that was completely unintentional!


Over the years I’ve tried to control my tongue and seriously when you are angry the best thing to do is NOT to speak at all…I take a small breather and calm myself before I speak or do anything if I am angry..honestly, helps a lot and other times not so much.


The thing is that we are human beings with emotions and EVERYONE comes with anger, it is natural, but, we have the will to control that emotion and it is up to us how we control it. 

You don’t want to end up regretting your words or your actions because, as I have said before it may be hard to heal or forget

Things to take away from this message:

  • Anger is something we can control 
  • Calm yourself before you speak or act 
  • Words can’t be taken back or be forgotten
  • Just smile when you’re angry
  • learn to let go of the anger 

I hope this helps you and thank you for reading!

Lots of Love


Jealousy – “Disease Of The Mind And Heart”

The word ‘jealousy’ is a big topic to cover because this is an emotion that everyone shares and portray the same way or differently.

Definition of jealousy on my phone is: A feeling of jealous envy especially of a rival 


The word ‘jealousy’ can mean so many things to so many people because its a personal emotion i.e. envy, anger, resentment, inadequacy, helplessness and disgust. Everyone, around the world has at least related to one of these words right???


When a person is jealous it can turn nasty and lead to so many things: back biting, hating, trying to being the other person down.. see so much negativity towards another human being…Why???

It’s normal for human beings to feel jealous at times, it’s what we do with those emotion which is important. Let me explain… When someone is feeling jealous they think all these negative things and eventually it causes them to act in a certain way which can be hurtful to themselves and others. As a young women I’ve felt jealous ALL the time! Especially coming from a big family full of girls. Only recently I’ve learnt to control myself…I remember if my older sister used to get a compliment of someone saying that she’s very pretty or she received a gift from the family it used to trigger something inside of me..I couldn’t stand it that she got the attention and I used to get really jealous and sort of ignore her or try and do something about it. Yes it sounds so petty but it is true and I feel ashamed when I think about some of the things that I used to do. But we can only learn from our mistakes and thoughts and thats how we can move forward into becoming a better person. It is never too late to change yourself for the better…I’m still finding myself so that means there is so many mistakes for me to commit in the future..good luck to me(!)

When I feel jealous I shake my head mentally and try to think positive so I try not feeling negative about a situation or a person. It can lead to hate if we aren’t careful, and the word ‘hate’ is a powerful word…


I can’t really expand on this topic because I feel as though I can go on and give you so many examples and tell you not to feel jealous. But at the end of the day remember we’re all human beings and it is normal for a person to be jealous, but my opinion is that we should just use that jealousy to motivate ourselves to do better and be better. Not to bring others down and be spiteful. It takes you no where in life and it makes you a bitter person in the end.


Things to take away from this little message:

  • Jealousy is an emotion we cannot stop having, we have to learn to control it
  • If you are feeling jealous, try thinking positive about it
  • Never take act upon your jealousy


Make the most of your life and always smile!! Be happy for yourself and others, it is so true that “if you aren’t happy with yourself then how can you be happy for another?”

Lots of Love



Lying… “If You Can’t Talk the Truth, Don’t Talk At All” – D.E


I typed in ‘Lying” into my phone dictionary and the definition I got from this word is:

“The deliberate act of deviating from the truth” 

It’s as simple as that however, in reality ‘deviating from the truth’ has become a routine for us human beings and almost a comfort blanket for majority of us…right?

I’ve blatantly lied plenty of times. Whether, it being a simple white lie or not. We need to think before we lie. Even if you know lying at that point will bring no harm. Wrong, that is the starting point and then you will continuously train yourself to create bigger lies and eventually become an expert at it, pretty soon it will all seem natural to you and become a part of your personality.


I’ve lied to my best friend back in High School telling her that I was some sort of spy for the government and trust me it sounds ridiculous now and your thinking ‘your mates pretty stupid then’ but I made it out like my mum was involved and that my life was crap because of this job that I was doing for the ‘government’. When I think about it now it’s like it makes me cringe and I just think what she must think of me. I’ve also lied to my parents about having a boyfriend we didn’t do the typical boyfriend-girlfriend thing i.e. kissing or holding hands but we were interested in each other and spoke to each other..but still guys, it was still lying to my parents and they were against the idea and eventually I stopped it because It felt like betrayal. 

Trust me when you constantly lie, it becomes so good that eventually you start believing in them too. No matter how bad a situation is, tell the truth, it is way better than telling a lie because over time that ‘small’ lie can make that situation 100 times worse. 

Why I think people lie (from my experiences and what I have seen):

  • The want to deliberately betray you
  • Scared of facing the truth 
  • Just scared how the situation will turn out 
  • Some people may not be happy with themselves/others 

I can sit here and tell you so many reasons but at the end of the day, the person that has lied will know why they lied in the first place.

I wanted to talk about this topic because yesterday when I had asked my sister a question she looked me in the eye and lied to me straight away. It just fascinates me to see how easily she had done that and then it dawned to me that I’ve done it so many times too with so many people, so then why am I so bothered about it when it’s happening to me? If I don’t like it then that means other people must have felt like that to especially when they know that you are lying to them.

A way to prevent this is starting with yourself and eventually you shall influence those around you to speak the truth. A lie isn’t just a sin but it is also an ugly personality.

Some things to take away from this message:

  • Lying is the ugly version of you
  • Stop it before it is too late
  • It doesn’t do any thing apart from masking the truth
  • Telling the truth will influence others 
  • Just be YOU without the lies

Challenge yourself and see if you can stay away from lying just for one day and then make it a habit. It’s like a cleanse for the mind, heart, body and soul because lying stains those things and eventually, it becomes permanent and a need. And trust me this will not make you a happy person.


Lots of Love 


p.s. The quote in the title is actually made up by me!!! 😉



There are several definition to the word “Confidence” I shall give you the ones that appeared on my phones dictionary. 

  2. “Secret that is confided/ entrusted to another”
  3. “A feeling of trust (in someone or something)”
  4. “A state of confident hopefulness that events will be favourable”

The first definition really sort of stood out to me hence why I put it in BOLD and ITALIC. I just feel as though that this is the obvious, simple and straight to the point kinda definition “freedom from doubt”….

The word ‘confidence’ can have several meanings….and because everyones mind functions differently and we think differently the interpretation is endless. Same way as showing your confidence it can strive of from different ‘stuff’ (I couldn’t find a better word sorry about my grammar) such as:

  • something as simple as makeup it gives confidence to women all over the world and to some men too who like applying makeup.
  • wearing a piece of clothing or jewellery 
  • friends, family, spouse, children, mother 
  • believing in yourself

You get the idea…

Personally I think confidence is “When you lose yourself in the moment and forget all your worries” (yes I just quoted myself). It’s sort of expresses who you actually are and its almost like its your alter ego, you do things that you normally would be afraid to do and the key thing here is that you believe in yourself. 

Confidence affects everybody from a child to an adult, female-male, at anytime and any place. At times you have butt load of confidence and then the next minute it can disappear with the click of your fingers. Why? I cannot answer that. Because I do not control you or your thoughts. 

So think about it, only you control your mind and your thoughts-so then why can’t you believe in yourself and get that confidence?? It seems simple and easy and it really is! 

However at times too much confidence isn’t good you have to know when to use it. Take me for example I was confident enough to show my auntie how to drill a shelf to the wall but I have never used a drill before in my life and that proof is at my aunties house in the form of ugly big holes. Hey don’t judge me I had it figured in my head. Kinda.

It all starts from yourself, meaning if you think negative it causes negativity and if you think positive then positive things happen. Simple as that. 

Every morning try and think positive as soon as you’re fully awake if thinking seems too much then start of with a smile!! 

Some things to take away from this message (if you are still reading this):

  • It is free
  • it is positive thinking 
  • each person to their own
  • DO NOT be afraid to be who you are/be sorry for who you are

And finally once again “NO ONE controls your thoughts but YOU!”

Leave a comment on what you think confidence is and how you’re confident! I’d love to read them and also don’t hesitate to email me if you need any further advice 

LOTS Of Love


My Book of Uncommon Prayers: Betrayed

A p r o n h e a d -- Lilly Green

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When I feel betrayed, and I am primed to let accusations fly, I take a breath–

at least this time I will–

and realize I have truly been betrayed,

but not by You, my Provider, but

by my expectations and dreams–even the American dream.

What have I done with my resources?

How much time has been spent in accumulating, building, and outfitting a nest

for my 3 score and 10?  I feel betrayed,

but not by You, my Lover,

but by all the things that I have loved.


[Another uncommon prayer starts here.]

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SECRETS ARE LIES: Some Unease about Social Media


This was my breakfast at the Nordic Bakery! Cinnamon roll - yum! This was my breakfast at the Nordic Bakery this morning! Cinnamon roll – yum!

I read Dave Eggers’ novel The Circle recently, which I couldn’t recommend highly enough – a tense, funny thriller set in a silicon-valley company that hopes to get the whole world living all of their lives via its website. When there is total transparency, with everyone filming and sharing their every waking moment, ‘the circle’ will reach ‘completion’. It’s spot-on about how absorbing and exhausting social media can be – the pressure for instant response; the constant sending of ‘smiles’ and ‘frowns’ and RT-ing of ‘zings’ – and gradually becomes more chilling as the company adopt new slogans: SECRETS ARE LIES, SHARING IS CARING, PRIVACY IS THEFT. One character has a scheme for microchipping children to keep them safe: ‘Immediately you take all child abduction, rape, murder and you reduce it by 99 percent. And the…

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When it comes to family aspects, every one has different opinions to offer and different experiences to share right?

This is obviously correct because everyones family functions differently I should know as I come from a large family. Trust me, throughout my childhood the amount of drama I have seen I am surprised we haven’t ended up on the Jeremy Kyle show. 


But the amount of life lessons I have learnt throughout these damn ‘dramas’ in my life, I guess they sort of educated me in general about the quality of life?

The 90s children had an upbringing with no computers and internet it was rare for a family to sort of have an computer within their homes. I feel as though this is what kept families together because there was no distraction of the internet or WiFi related problems. Family members had no choice but to get together and entertain themselves like watching television together, playing games etc. Time changes everything and over the last 10 years the world has evolved so much especially technology, now you don’t need friends or family you can have Siri who talks to you and even does the job for your fingers i.e. sending a text, writing a shopping list… (if you know how to function with an iPhone of course).

It is hard for my family to come together everyday due to life getting in the way such as: school, jobs, travelling and just life in general. My mums sisters all live in different towns and the journey sucks to be honest. This is what makes me value family time, any special occasions we get we try to come together and spend at least one day with each other and catch up. And our meeting up place usually takes place at my nans.

My family, especially amongst my mum and her sisters there was a lot of problems, including their husbands but at end of the day they eventually try to forget the issue and come together…That is one great thing about them but one problem they all share is that they can “forgive but never forget” … trust me … at family gatherings the topic of conversation can sometimes go back to the 1950s and the way these guys talk about it would make you think it happened an hour ago. 

But still guys do not get lost in the world of social media and do not become a person that avoids family gatherings of any sort and rely on Siri to be the only family you have. Whatever family you do have learn to appreciate them and the times you spend together. It really happiness that you cannot put a price on. Yes it won’t be getting you a lamb or a mansion, but it makes your soul happy and that is worth ALOT more!

When all the family is together at my grandmas I can see the happiness on her face as she’s watching her 5 daughters laugh and joke about together…I can tell she’s thanking God and appreciating them moments. Not to sound corny but it genuinely makes me happy to catch her in her moment of happiness because sometimes it is so hard to please my nan!

But thats another topic for another day! 

Lots of Love 


hope you enjoyed it and please do not hesitate to contact me….

What the ‘new idea’ is for this blog..

So guys I basically want to write blogs about everyday occurrences of general life so people all over the world that can read and understand english can relate to and have a good read. 

I want to be able to offer advice to people from a sort of a third party opinion. I am not a professional of any sort just a normal person with normal opinions and normal advice…I promise there will be no judging on my behalf!!

You can ask me questions on my blog or on the email address provided on my profile if you want to be private and anonymous. I shall try to be fast with my replies and as informative as I can. I won’t be able to aid all the problems but I shall try to be helpful… please don’t hesitate to tell me or ask me anything! 

If you have a problem and you have no one else to ask then I am here at your fingertips to try and help!

If you know someone with problem then do not hesitate to tell them about me either or send them my email address to contact me!

Hopefully this blog goes far and this new idea of mines work. I really want to be able to help others and I can already tell that this is an good idea! 


lots of love 
