Jealousy – “Disease Of The Mind And Heart”

The word ‘jealousy’ is a big topic to cover because this is an emotion that everyone shares and portray the same way or differently.

Definition of jealousy on my phone is: A feeling of jealous envy especially of a rival 


The word ‘jealousy’ can mean so many things to so many people because its a personal emotion i.e. envy, anger, resentment, inadequacy, helplessness and disgust. Everyone, around the world has at least related to one of these words right???


When a person is jealous it can turn nasty and lead to so many things: back biting, hating, trying to being the other person down.. see so much negativity towards another human being…Why???

It’s normal for human beings to feel jealous at times, it’s what we do with those emotion which is important. Let me explain… When someone is feeling jealous they think all these negative things and eventually it causes them to act in a certain way which can be hurtful to themselves and others. As a young women I’ve felt jealous ALL the time! Especially coming from a big family full of girls. Only recently I’ve learnt to control myself…I remember if my older sister used to get a compliment of someone saying that she’s very pretty or she received a gift from the family it used to trigger something inside of me..I couldn’t stand it that she got the attention and I used to get really jealous and sort of ignore her or try and do something about it. Yes it sounds so petty but it is true and I feel ashamed when I think about some of the things that I used to do. But we can only learn from our mistakes and thoughts and thats how we can move forward into becoming a better person. It is never too late to change yourself for the better…I’m still finding myself so that means there is so many mistakes for me to commit in the future..good luck to me(!)

When I feel jealous I shake my head mentally and try to think positive so I try not feeling negative about a situation or a person. It can lead to hate if we aren’t careful, and the word ‘hate’ is a powerful word…


I can’t really expand on this topic because I feel as though I can go on and give you so many examples and tell you not to feel jealous. But at the end of the day remember we’re all human beings and it is normal for a person to be jealous, but my opinion is that we should just use that jealousy to motivate ourselves to do better and be better. Not to bring others down and be spiteful. It takes you no where in life and it makes you a bitter person in the end.


Things to take away from this little message:

  • Jealousy is an emotion we cannot stop having, we have to learn to control it
  • If you are feeling jealous, try thinking positive about it
  • Never take act upon your jealousy


Make the most of your life and always smile!! Be happy for yourself and others, it is so true that “if you aren’t happy with yourself then how can you be happy for another?”

Lots of Love
