Anger – “We Define It By The Way We Portray It” – D.E

Anger cannot be defined in the dictionary because it’s an emotion and also, an act that is portrayed differently by everyone. SO, that means we define it by the way we portray our anger. Everyone has that one breaking point where they will see red. 

Definition of the word anger: Strong Emotion

‘Anger’ can be words or an action right?


In my opinion the worst kind of way to show anger is through words…It might not physically hurt you but once the words are uttered out loud, it can’t be taken back or in some cases it can’t be healed.

You’ll always know that it was said.

Never forgotten. . .


Some people don’t seem to have/show anger and others-it takes less than a second to set them off. It’s one of those emotion where you can’t stop yourself sometimes.


I’ve always had a problem with this emotion.

Outside, I’m very calm and collected, approachable person, and I am never angry nor can anyone push me to see red. Yet, when I am home I can easily become angry at anything and at anyone and the person that has always sort of had to deal with this teen drama is my mother. The amount of times I’ve hurt her with words is unbelievable, I am telling you this because I know I am wrong and there are people who can relate with me and know what I am talking about. I’ve made her cry with saying harsh  words and immediately afterwards I’d regret it so much, don’t worry am not a horrible person, just human. Still it does not justify my actions. I have ended up making up with her and making her smile! But it still doesn’t excuse the fact that I made her cry in the first place.


You shouldn’t ever intentionally make someone upset by your words regardless of how you’re feeling, even if the person is doing it to you, learn to ignore and just let it go! If you suppress your anger then you might let it out towards the wrong person and end up doing something that was completely unintentional!


Over the years I’ve tried to control my tongue and seriously when you are angry the best thing to do is NOT to speak at all…I take a small breather and calm myself before I speak or do anything if I am angry..honestly, helps a lot and other times not so much.


The thing is that we are human beings with emotions and EVERYONE comes with anger, it is natural, but, we have the will to control that emotion and it is up to us how we control it. 

You don’t want to end up regretting your words or your actions because, as I have said before it may be hard to heal or forget

Things to take away from this message:

  • Anger is something we can control 
  • Calm yourself before you speak or act 
  • Words can’t be taken back or be forgotten
  • Just smile when you’re angry
  • learn to let go of the anger 

I hope this helps you and thank you for reading!

Lots of Love
