You feel as though everything in life is going so fast and have no time to think about anything just the same daily routine you follow.

That is how am feeling right now, as though the days are just like a book where the pages are being flipped but when I actually sit and think, there is nothing I want to do.

As a child my imagination and ambition used to be so wide, anything was possible and now, as a young adult it has definitely narrowed down. I guess the downside of becoming an adult is that your imagination and ambition has to match reality sometimes right?

I do not want to come across as though I am depressed or spreading negativity, no. 

It’s just at times it is good to state reality and understand where you are in life and how you are feeling.

If you have an idea for something to do in your life then you should always go for it and never think twice, I think when a person thinks so much about something, they start to over-think and that leads to so much other unnecessary crap. I have experienced that too. Seriously, my aunt is the worst when it comes this topic and the annoying thing is she’s so cautious about everything in life, yes at times that is good.. but I don’t think she has ever lived outside the box (whatever the box is).

Last year, I decided that I don’t want to be in my 30s/40s and look back to regret that I haven’t lived ‘outside the box’ you know, I wanna be able to look back and laugh at memories, like I do when I look back at my high school times (my eyebrows were crazy)..

Nothing in this world is limitless…I think we have seen proof of that! Come on we defy gravity by travelling in the air to another country, people have travelled to the MOON. Then what is stopping us?

So if you have an idea. THEN GO FOR IT. No one can stop you apart from yourself! 

Take control and get to the place in life you want to enjoy and be in.

Remember that it is never too late to do anything, there is always something to do!

You just gotta believe.


Forgiving…”Forgive and Forget”

Has anything ever happened to you, family or someone close to you where you thought “there is no way in this life, I will be forgiving them” ??

Unfortunately, I have and so have my family. It’s like the person you would least expect to betray you, ends up hurting you the most. I guess having such high thoughts about someone it is bound to lead to that at some point.

Definition of ‘forgiving’ on my phones dictionary is:

  • Providing absolution 
  • Inclined or able to forgive show mercy

Forgiving someone is not just about forgetting what has happened its about accepting the consequences and releasing a burden off of yourself and the person that is asking for forgiveness.

You let go of the negative things from that situation that has been weighing your soul down, it helps you to move on and help you grow wiser and knowledgable.

Forgiving someone is not a weakness in fact, it is the opposite because you are showing that negativity is not affecting you.

‘Forgive and Forget’ a saying that I have tried to use in my situation. At times it is more easier to forget than to forgive *chuckling* however, I think everyone can agree that combining both is a much better outcome.

Do not think about making the other person beg for your forgiveness, no in fact, do not let them ask you either, just forgive them without saying it, because if they are not sorry straight away then they will be one day and by that time you have already let go of it, see it is helpful, to the mind, body and soul.

As I have said before in my previous post that Karma will be doing the work for you because ‘What goes around comes back around’. If you are a believer in God then remember you are not forgotten. If we expect forgiveness from God then why cannot we do the same to others?

Things to take away from this message:

  • Forgive and Forget
  • Forgiving does not make you weak or vulnerable 
  • Forgiving shows a great deal of strength 
  • Just try and let it go

I hope this helps someone out there.

Remember… always think positive

Wake up with a smile


Compassion..”Do Good And Good Will Bestow Unto You”

When you carelessly give something, doesn’t that feel good? It triggers something in you that cannot be explained, if you carry on then eventually it makes you a person that you love and others will look up to.

Now am not talking about giving materialistic things, like money, clothes, your house. You can do that if you like. Am talking about the free things in life that do not cost a thing. Like being ‘compassionate’  towards others.


The definition of Compassion on my phone dictionary is:

  1. The humane quality of understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it
  2. A deep awareness of and sympathy for another’s suffering


If you know that you can in any possible way can be of help to someone, then you should do so regardless of how little it maybe. 


That one good deed maybe be beneficiary to you in the future. 


I am a firm believer of “Do good and God will bestow unto you” 


That does to mean that each time you do something good then immediately you should expect a reward. The real reward is what you feel inside. Yes, it sounds corny but honestly it will make you feel better knowing that you were there for someone at their weakest point.

At times in life its not easy to be compassionate, but you should always treat another how you want to be treated right? Use your day to be there for someone and learn to forgive. There is no point keeping in negative feelings and ruining your day. As I have said before no one can change your thoughts however, you can change peoples thoughts about you.. 


Things to take away from this little message:

  • Always help another 
  • Showing compassion is not a weakness
  • Inspire others 


I hope to continuously update the blog sorry I have not been consistent but I shall try to be more active

As usual 

Lots of Love, smile!